Our Story
The Founder of Priceless Incite LLC., Annika Leonard, is committed to forming the services and leadership opportunities she, as a little Black girl, deserved.
Annika is a survivor of multiple forms of violence and these experiences caused Annika to internalize the actions of adults around her.
As a result, she carried a lot of pain and trauma which made her feel inherently flawed and “not good enough”.
Annika did not know anything about colonization, or anti-Blackness, racism, poverty, or homophobia; she simply believed something was wrong with her based on the way she was treated in church, school, in her community, and at in institutions.
At the core, Annika started Priceless Incite LLC. on her own experiences of survival and adversity about little Black girls born to single Mommas who grew up resourceful and in conflict with who the world said they should be.
Priceless Incite Timeline
Resource Sharing Project (RSP) and Sisters of Color Ending Sexual Assault (SCESA) led a national conference during some inter-generational networking an Elder, Darlene Ward began to refer to the women of color present as “diamonds”.
Many of the women in the group adopted the term including myself and Ayana Nadiara, who decided to conduct trainings around the concept of WOC within mainstreamed organizations having value, this idea was pitched to a few coalitions without success.
I applied the term Diamonds to the young women and gender expansive youth I engaged with in Milwaukee Public High Schools and created a curriculum that drew analogies around the life cycle of a diamond to the cycle of socialization and experiences of a Black girl (Cis & Trans) in America.
I began teaching the curriculum within a high school and the young women received a civics credit for the course and I created the certificate which they receive at graduation.
Founder, Annika Leonard, attended Incite’s COV conference and was incredibly inspired to extend the diamond analogy to the name of the organization and build on the framework of Incite.
Priceless Incite LLC. formally began.
Youth participants presented our work at the 2016 Wisconsin Healthy Teen Summit.
1st Annual Denim, Diamonds & Pearls Sexual Violence Awareness Event held in Milwaukee, WI.
Facilitation of Diamonds Are Forever Priceless Curriculum in Milwaukee Public and Charter High Schools.
2nd Annual Denim, Diamonds & Pearls Sexual Violence Awareness Event held in Milwaukee, WI.
One youth facilitator and one young adult present our work at the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault Statewide Conference.
One youth facilitator and founder presented our work with Diamonds are Forever Priceless at National Sexual Assault Conference.
The Valuable Insight Project was founded.
3rd Annual Denim, Diamonds & Pearls Sexual Violence Awareness Event held in Milwaukee, WI.
Youth Leadership Program was created in partnership with the Hmong American Women’s Program in Milwaukee, WI.
4th Annual Denim, Diamonds & Pearls Virtual Sexual Violence Awareness Event held virtually from Charlotte, NC with participants from across the nation.
5th Annual Denim, Diamonds & Pearls Virtual Sexual Violence Awareness Event held virtually from Charlotte, NC with participants from across the nation.
One young adult and one youth facilitator present for End Abuse (Wisconsin’s Domestic Violence Coalition).
Priceless Incite LLC. expanding to a national model.
Sixth Annual Denim, Diamonds & Pearls Virtual Sexual Violence Awareness event held in Milwaukee, WI.
Supported youth speakers at Take Back the Night.
An All Black Everything Fashion Show featured Priceless Incite’s sexual assault awareness campaign.
Launched Black Pearls program.
Facilitator and outreach volunteer attended the ACE-DV Black Survivors Listening Session.
Distributed $1500 in mutual aid to community and program participants.
Is This You?
We do not subscribe to the current White-Supremacist Patriarchal version of Cisgender Heterosexual normativity who explicitly uses an external (others placing titles on oneself without consent) gendering process. We strongly believe in authentic self-identification and for youth to describe themselves how they need to be understood.
Non-binary feminine-centered folks can be of any sex or gender though a vast majority of these folks also identify on the queer and trans (or non-cis) spectrum. Depending on many factors (cultural heritage, ethnic background, positionality of oppression, etc), many use different terms for gender and presentation descriptors. Our intention is to not tell a person how to accurately describe oneself but to expand language on marginalized identities. Non-binary feminine-centered folks are a variety group in and of itself! Here are some genders and gender presentations you may find:
Agender, bigender, genderfluid, pangender, enby, gender-non-conforming, gender-non conforming boy, gender-nonconforming girl, transfeminine, demi-gender, demi-girl, demi-boy, femme, muxe, hijra, and many more!
Gender-expansive: an umbrella term to describe people whose gender(s) do not fit neatly in, not defined by, and/or not limited to a single gender (or presentation). Can also be associated with terms such as gender-nonconforming and gender-variety.
Non-binary: an umbrella term for those whose gender experience(s) is not solely man or woman and those whose gender experience(s) lives outside the gender binary.
Of-centered person: the personality, expressions, presentation and mannerisms one lives by and in; usually to describe one’s masculinity, femininity, or neutrality. Including but not limited to:
- To be masculine-centered (regardless of sex or gender): is to put one’s own masculinity as the center of which one largely lives by, observed through personality, expressions, presentation, and mannerisms.
- To be feminine-centered (regardless of sex or gender): is to put one’s own femininity as the center of which one largely lives by, observed through personality, expressions, and presentation mannerisms.
- To be neutrally-centered (regardless of sex or gender): is to put one’s own neutrality as the center of which one largely lives by, observed through personality, expressions, and mannerisms.
Unsure? Questioning? No problem! Fighting against the White-Surpremacist Patriarchal version of Cisgender Heterosexual normativity (and the detriment it leaves in its wake) is tiresome and doesn’t leave much room for one who wants to explore oneself, uninterrupted and unjudged. Gendering and Presentation Labels are meant for one to find similar people to oneself and give direction first, not to self-impose rigid limits. Give yourself tons of grace to exist and learn! Explore! Listen to your inner self and see what labels (if any) resonate with you – don’t worry, you’ll be safe with us!

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Meet The Team

Annika Leonard
Determined to change the things I could not accept, I founded Priceless Incite LLC, an organization dedicated to uplifting the experiences of Black women, girls, and gender expansive youth, impacted by violence through prevention, intervention, and leadership development. Central to my work is the belief that healing justice is key to ending violence in all its forms—and that those most impacted by violence must lead this work in all areas of their lives. I developed a culturally specific prevention curriculum for Black teen girls to foster deep, radical, and cultural solutions for healing from violence. At my core, I believe that answers must come from those most impacted, and I am committed to removing barriers so Black women, girls, and gender expansive youth can discover their own expertise and increase collective action toward a more just world. In alignment with my core values, I support my community in building power. My professional life reflects my educational values. I earned a B.S. in Criminal Justice and a Master of Business Administration. My continued, specialized studies and training in gender-based violence, reproductive justice and have qualified me as an expert in numerous areas, including, youth development, and domestic and sexual violence prevention and intervention.

Annia Leonard
Sustainability Steward
I wear many hats in my community, but working as a facilitator and peer specialist for Priceless Incite has been incomparable. During my journey as a nonbinary femme from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, I have walked parallel to my mother’s organizing footsteps.Not only have I sought out educational resources for trauma informed care, reproductive advocacy & social justice; I have also been known for my anti-oppression training curriculum offered to all ages. I consider myself a basic rights resource for my community and use my connections to support Priceless Incite’s daily functions.

Mason-Sera Vincent
Gender Abolitionist & Astrological Navigator
Mason-Sera Vincent (they/them/theirs) is a Haitian queer, agender-femme person dedicated to ensuring radical change for Black, Brown, and Indigenous people. Trained in restorative practices since 2017, Mason-Sera has experience in conflict mediation and resolution, trauma-informed crisis management, survivor-focused healing practices, facilitation, and national public speaking/presentations. Armed with an English Bachelor’s degree with a Concentration on Writing and Rhetoric, they push for change through the written word and transformational communications. Recently, I have created KOFA, LLC: Knowing Our Freedom is Attainable to support my role within Priceless Incite as a Gender Abolitionist.

Zella Lawrence- Moore
Lead H.S. Youth Activator
Details coming soon.

Our Training Philosophy
Priceless Incite values the knowledge and experience of each participant and works to create an environment that is respectful of all identities. We recognize that to fulfill our mission, we must address the roots causes of violence in a way that recognizes the dignity and humanity of the communities we engage. We acknowledge dignity and humanity by creating safe nonjudgmental spaces that allow deep healing to occur.
Overall Philosophy:
Priceless Incite is rooted in the principles of transformative justice, including healing, accountability and the redistribution of power. We work within the current system, against the current system (accountability) to transform (liberation work) the current system. You can support the work by donating and/or hiring me or our youth to facilitate a workshop, training, etc. Priceless Incite is rooted in the principles of transformative justice, including healing, accountability and the redistribution of power.